Monday, June 9, 2014

About me and extreme edge

Hello everyone
My name is mark This is my first blog attempt ever so please bear with me. 
I am the creator and owner of Extreme Edge Custom Kydex 
Where i make custom kydex knife sheaths by hand! 
But you don't just wake up one morning and decide this is what you want to do with your life. So this being my first entry i will take the time to tell the story that brought me to the point i am at today!

Its summer 2011 my friend Carl and i decide to go out to get are selves  new knives and then go fishing. We go to dicks i pick out a Buck pac-light 143 Carl got the Bear Grylls compact fixed blade knife. We get to where we park strap on our new knives grab our gear and head out to the spot. Our fishing spot we like to use has a fire pit its about 1 1/2 miles down the beach. Now from the parking lot to the beach there's a wood line and a 2ft drop off. We get to out spot go out to the woods grab fire wood for the night and the. We get the poles ready. Its at this moment Carl realizes he lost his knife! The knifes sheath had a feature that allowed the user to carry with a downward draw but the knife falls right out and it did right into the sand we never heard the knife fall and it was GONE by the time he got back to where we think it dropped. Now i did not loose my knife but i was upset the American knife had a cheap china sheath!
Carl replaced the knife he paid 55$ twice for it and carried it in his pocket. This was my deciding moment how many other people purchased this knife expecting a all in one survival knife only to find that the sheath makes the knife extremely unreliable . I purchased materials and tools and that very knife and after a few attempts i produced a perfect retention sheath  that was reliable and Carl still has it and uses it to this day!

Over the years i have invented custom clips and new ways of doing things in the kydex sheath world supplying both foreign and domestic costumers

Thank you for reading my story my next blog post will be a detailed description of sheaths and options


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